*sigh*... too lazy to go make my blog look *pretty*... yeah.... I know it doesn't look gD... HmmZ....... feel like sleeping now...*Zzzzzzzzzzz*
Can't believe Mrs.Koh stalked me.... that woman's mad lah...!!
hehez...Still can remember how vigorously she was picking at her nose when in her car...*eWWWwww*
eppz!! my casket's gonna be empty....*disturbing thought*... hmmz.. seems like I'll be rich before I die....

You represent... naivete.
So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.
*sigh*,....so now I'm naïve.... It really is me though...I'm too trusting! hmmz... Love the LP song...numb...
*...I'm tired of being what you want me to be...*
*sigh*...my day was shitty... STUPiD cow spoilt my entire day..as usual! Well, exam stress must be getting to me, I think I'm gonna die from exhaustion anytime soon!! With all the stuff about me being bitchy or *beeschy* as the cow says it!
Kinda missing my friends from GIS now... maybe itz cuz they're not having exams there now!! But I'm just really getting tired of the pple here...kau...the 4 bitches...(too tiring to name their full names...=)
Hmmz... just saw the last episode of *Xun Yi Cao*... (I know I'm supposed to be studying...)...*sigh* that show always makes me feel sadder than I already am... *depressing*Watching the latest HappyTreeFriends episode now... I think I'm gonna throw up any minute now..... *urgh*!
Well.... time to get back to the books.... unfortunately...