
hahax..sorry! I know I'm being very lame+annoying+(many more)...
I'm so friggin' HAPPY!!!! Yepz...didn't do as badly as I expected!! That why I'm feeling so HAPPY!
Happy = Enjoying, satisfaction, or joy.
I'm HAPPY!!!! Well, at least now I won't feel guilty about going shopping ... I wouldn't have dared to go anywhere if I did any worse...
I think overall most people improved their positions... so happy for everyone! Went for musical auditions yesterday, I'd surely won't get it. I WAS SO BLOODY N-E-R-V-O-U-S! URGH! I HATE MYSELF! I was so shit scared I tell you! Geez... so embarressing...in choir but cannot get into the musical! depressing!
Too bad they had technical problems..so we couldn't get our report books back! Was looking forward to getting it over with. So now we have to go back on the 8th to collect our reports!
A lot of people whom I hate, and hate me too came to congratulate me today, and that didn't feel good at all. They're all so hypocritical... hate people like that. They're so darn fake itz obvious.....
I seriously screamed my throat sore! Don't know how I'm going to sing at choir tomorrow! hahax! I'll probably SCREECH! and split everyone's eardrums! hahax...can't wait!
hmmz...nothing much to say anymore, hope everyone's happy with their results!
me going to sleep now!
Jaclyn thinks she's happy!



Reading 8-days now....Holland V is getting more boring.... ZzzzzzZZzz
Yepz. I don't have anything better to do. Feeling so sleepy! Can't wait for Friday....It's really so sad that we have to have Maths classes during the holz! I'm really gonna SCREAM!!! I can't help it that I'm
URGH! I'm so dumb!
The guy walking in front of me today after school had serious BO man...I almost died! *sigh*... I was like walking behind and trying to hold my breath so I wouldn't smell anything stinky. Seriously man, when I couldn't help it and took a whiff, it was like, *fainted*
ehehez...I know, I'm M-E-A-N....but IT'S THE TRUTH!
Geez...any guy I go for next time will defintely not have BO!
Yeah, so I'm talking crap! What to do...what to do, I'm just that crappy!
The police talk today was really kinda boring ahem! interesting. yeah. sure. Just our luck that we had to be in the batch chosen to stack the chairs. But it was done pretty quickly.
*sigh* The day was really kinda bleak for me.




Your element is Water. You are a deep person and a
good communicator. Incredibably loving and
loyal when your trust is gained and you are
fairly mature.Myterious to the utmost water is
in everything. One can be an Ocean or a river
but nobody truly knows you.

Hmmm....what should I say?? This quizes aren't really reliable...are they?? I'm not sure if this is me or not. I'm confused. I'm feeling so very blur hmmz....what to do...what to do?? Life's so complicating. hahax. I just saw an "MTV" about babies being constipated and how they can't s*i*..yepz. It's real funny. They use Complicated and change the lyrics whuch are...interesting...ehehez!

Jaclyn is in a gD mood!
Jaclyn is HAPPY
Jaclyn wants to slap a certain someone
Jaclyn is still HAPPY


Eb major - you are warm and kind, always there for
your friends, who are in turn there for you.
You are content with your confortable life and
what you are currently achieving; if you keep
in this state you will go far.

Hmm....That my Key Signature?!?!?!?!? I don't like Eb major.... very difficult to play!
And if you'e wondering why I'm doing so many of these quizzes, I'M BORED!



*sigh*! I'm so tired. Tired of all my troubles.... friendship problems..(not like I have any...) problems in my studies....
I'm so tired of everything. My life. It sucks. Big time. I just sneezed 7 times in a row...that's got to mean something. Someone's probably thinking of me. Probably cursing me. Talking about what a bitch I am.
Table tennis was all right I guess. Except for my opponent who was this b_t_h who kepy giving me a LOOK...yeah. And she called me a bitch when we changed sides. I mean, WHAT IS HER PROBLEM?!?!?!?! Seriously. Some people can be so annoying. Then I realised that she's also in choir. Hmmz...hardly ever see her around though. I'm TIRED! TIRED!TRED! my hair keeps flopping down onto my eyes,...time to cut. WHY AM I TALKING ABOUT MY HAIR?!?!?!?!? nothing better to talk about. *sheesh* i'm so sad.
like I said before....sad= (you know what)

cyaz! I'm sleepy....



Wow....this thing is actually kinda true. Amazing. They're usually quite crap.
I think I've been thinking too much lately. That's not healthy. I should start thinking about happier stuff. Like how much shopping I'm going to do during Christmas (which is like 2 months away...I'm so sad!) or How much time I will have for shopping during the holz!
HEY! I actually enjoy thinkng "pleasant thoughts"..hmmz...
Maybe I shouldn't be all depressed all the time. After all, what's done's done. No point wasting time, energy and effort brooding over something that's long over. *sigh* I'm in serious need of help!



Haven't done these quizzes for such a loooong time!



Just came back from watching the movie. It was so GooooooooooD I tell you!!! But extremely gory as well. It was like people getting shot every five minute. Old men being buried and burnt alive. *shudder* The woman sitting next to me was like seriously gaseous I tell you. She kept burping and farting like nobody's business and I was seriously about to puke. But the show was too good. So I controlled. Man, and she had an annoying little girl who had to keep gong to the washroom every 5 minutes. Geez... why am I always so unlucky. And the couple sitting in front of me and my sis were like seriously making out. I was like , " GeeZ...GO GET A ROOM!" *sigh* But at least the movie was good. So in a way, it was kinda worth all the suffering...I think.
Kayz...I think I need to snooze now....



Can't wait to get out of the house..but the movie only starts at 7...and I can't wait that long!! URGH! I really haven't fully recovered from post-exam-itis yet. I have myself to blame for getting such useless grades... HATE MYSELF!HATE!HATE!HATE! Jaclyn Lee, you're are so useless... you're a good for nothing idiot. You're just plain stupid! I seriously can't wait for seomone else to tell me how stupid I am instead of telling me.."Aww...it's not all that bad" when I know that it IS that bad. Then Maybe I'll finally wake up and realise the past 13 years of my life have totally been wasted. It's proven. I am stupid, and a complete idiot too. If I wrote down all I'm feeling right now, it'll probably bust the system. It'll be a never ending blog entry filled with all the crap I'm feeling right now. I feel like slamming my head against the wall till it bleeds....maybe that'll shove all the unhappy thoughts out of my mind. I feel like crying, but no tears are coming out. Geez...I feel so empty. That's what I am, HOLLOW.
hollow-brained a.k.a brainless... gosh, I've really lost it. It's really too late to change anything. I'm wondering if my mum ever regretted having a kid like me... maybe she doesn. I wouldn't blam her. How I wish someone could just slit my kneck and let all the blood slowly seep out of me... URGH! I'm going crazy...

Jaclyn feels so empty...
Jaclyn doesn't wanna give a _____ , but she can't help it...
Jaclyn knows that she's so darn stupid & useless...
Jaclyn hates herself.


Simple Plan_-_Perfect

Hey, Dad, look at me
Think back, and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
And do you think I'm wasting my time
Doing things I wanna do?
But it hurts when you disapproved all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just wanna make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for
You can't pretend that I’m alright
And you can't change me

Cause we lost it all
Nothin' lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero?
All the days you spent with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't care any more
And now I try hard to make it
I just wanna make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's all right

'Cause we lost it all
And nothin' lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

Nothing's gonna change the things that you said
And nothing's gonna make this right again
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard just to talk to you
But you don't understand



Yes. As it shows in the title...I'm am not pleased!
URGHH!!! I've just totally ruined my entire life..... the worst thing is, my mum doesn't even blame me for anything....god. I feel so bloody guilty. I don't even know what I'm doing online now... if anyone else was in my state, they'd start studying their butts off right this instant ...
I hate myself for being so slack...
I know I can do so much better...
I'm going to watch "Wu Jian Dao" tomorrow... It'll probably take my mind off everything... Urgh... I remember how much I wanted to watch it when I was at PS.... it was on a Saturday, the weekend before the History paper... but while I looked at the poster for the show, Edison Chen's face suddenly changed to Qin Shihuang...and Shawn Yue became Kautilya...
Where's my self-control??!?!?
but Yeah, that snapped me out of my thoughts... brought me back to reality, where life revolves around exams and Ashoka.
I'm starting to hate that guy...
Geez....I'm so upset with myself. I'm starting to think that I was picked up from a rubbish dump, cuz I come from a family of super achievers and I'm the exact opposite of that.

Dear god, I hate my life...

Maybe Jaclyn is a little crazy...
Maybe Jaclyn is just plain weird...
Jaclyn feels stupid...
Jaclyn's gonna be bitchy 24/7 again...starting now...



Yepz..tomorrow's officially gonna be my doomsday....
*sigh*..can't wait to get over all of it though..cuz to me..somehow the results are th real exmas..and if I haven't gotten over that..then the exams are not over yet...
I know..I know...I'm weird..I'm stupid...I'm just so lame..
I feel so friendless...so one's tagging before they leave!!!
Today was just plain boring... read 8-days.... watched T.V....
was on the phone with a naggy distant relative...but the conversation took place when I was online..so I kinda put her on the speaker and listened to her voice drone on ..and occasionally saying.."Yes...I know....I understand..yeah..."
*sigh*... I'm such a sad person...
sad = lame..stupid...loser-ish.... 3% upset



URGH!..my legs are hurting so bad!! don't know why...I didn't even walk much today...
weird...today was so bleak... nothing triggered off my shopping frenzy!
Matchstick men was pretty good...kinda sad ending...
but the most interesting part of the movie wasn't the show...but the row of little boys sitting in front of us... their voices were so darned loud..and so were their laughter..And the row of ditzy girls who kept giggling at the funny and non-funny parts of the movie...
spotted a bloody cute guy at the MRT today...*drool* ehehehz....
I'm like enjoying all I can before my results come out on Thurs..hahax...
hopefully I won't be grounded....
I suddenly have a strong craving for takopachi now that I'm home...
damn! how come I didn't feel it when I was at PS???
this always happens to me...

Jaclyn is pissed....



Don't know why I woke up so early today!!! I saw Westside Story last night...it was so GOOD!!!! hahax... I'm gonna go watch Matchstick Men later... can't wait!! so tired of staying home with nothing better to do... Went shopping with my sis yesterday...
We bought so much...(probably 'cuz both of us are serious shopaholics)... *sigh*
I'm such a weird person..ehehez....shopping helps me to de-stress!
Oh yeah..and I changed my blog tune...!! hahahahx!! so happy...took me so long to get it...
But it wasn't me who found it lah... that's why I say I'm clueless when it comes to webbie designing!
Just recieved a mail showing how babies of stars would turn out to be like...
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAHHAAH....Ben.a. and J.Lo's child looks like a chimpanzee...
*shudder*...but it doesn't matter anywayz..their wedding is.... let's say... "not coming anytime soon"...
okayz I think I'll stop here... I'm writing crap and I can't even remember what my first sentence was!

Jaclyn is disillusional...



hahax. Art exam today was boring... I mean, 2 and a half hours of painting?!??!?!
*sigh* I'll probably go see Matchstick Men tomorrow...after all that's the only movie worth watching for the month!
I'm so broke!! Don't know how I'm gonna get through the month...ehehehz...all cuz of my bad shopping habit!
I'm not looking forward to Thursday at all!!! That's gonna be my doomsday....
a.k.a-paper checking day!
since when did I become such a slacker...???
Life's boring nowadays... can't wait to get through with the school year and enjoy my holz... My blog's too plain!!!! I'm bored.... (and full of complains...)
since when did I become so annoying???

Jaclyn's tired....



ehehez...as you can see, I made a little effort to try to make my blog
look pretty pretty...=)
well, I'm trying to find "yu jian" so I can put it on my blog...
yeah... took Jeanette's quiz and I got 90!!! 90!!! 90!!! 90!!!
okayz...yeah... ha².... I'm in a good mood today!
Urgh... I just realised that I still have to see that annoying
stinky, ugly, shitty, pig-like Ms.ferng on mon...that almost ruined
my day, but I'm thinking pleasant thoughts from now on...
...*pleasant thoughts*...*pleasant thoughts*...ahhh....
ehehehz... I think I've really gone a little cuckoo!!!
Don't know what I'm going to draw for art, I'd probably just slosh some paint onto the paper and let Mrs.Wok use her creativity
to figure out what it is. *sigh*...but I don't think I can stand doing
that for 2 and a half hours...I'll totally die of boredem!
My blog's so ..... green.... yeah.....

Don't know why I woke up at 8.00 and just couldn't sleep any
ehehez...it shows I'm not used to gD things after suffering for so long!
Well... I think it might be cuz I just cleaned up my entire room last night (don't know where the sudden spurt of energy came from) ..yeah...and I'm not used to sleeping in such a clean room... *sigh*
Can't wait for our 2-day break... then I can indulge in some REAL shopping...movies... eating... yeah...that's the life
Heard the the new Clay Aiken Song "invinsible"...
AHAHAHAHHAHA tell you that song is hilarious....there's a part
that says "I wish I could be a fly on your wall.."
I was like (?!?!?!?!?!?!) ...kayz... whoever wrote the lyrics is very imaginative!
-----------I'm happy---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:.for once.:


EXAMS are OVER!!!! exams are over!!!!! AHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA
seriously, I've never been so happy... I was like grinning to myself during my chinese paper( !?!?!??!) .... ahahaz!! finally... no more ugly and stinky ms.ferng...no more Ashoka and source-based questions.... no more Napoleon...no more additives and flavourings... I'm happy again.... happy...happy...happy...
I wanna see Matchstick Men...actually I don't really want to...but itz the only movie worth watching for now.. and I NEED to watch a movie!
Maybe I should sleep for the entire weekend....just to let all the stuff about Kautilya and all that shit that I crammed into my seep out...maybe I should...
But I can hardly remember any of that anymore anywayz..
I got so soaked in the rain today.... what a way to end the exams.. but yeah... the rain made me feel like eating ice-cream... weird...reminds me of the time it was snowing so badly and we were in Yosemite and I was like freezing my ass off, but my SiSs and I bought like a double scoop each..awww...that was gD!
after this I'm just gonna snuggle under my sheets.... shove a lollipopo into my mouth...turn on my fav cd.... and read my mag....
I think I've gone a little senile from studying too hard...
... ehehehz... something just saw the advert for "gao xiao xing dong"... find it weird that so many girls would actually audition to act as Joshua Ang's girlfriend.... I don't see what's so great about the guy...
okay... I'm starting to think about my bed and the mag... and the lolli....
okay...I think I'm going off soon to get to my lolli...
fine... I'm gone...



It's Me vs.the World
Hey boys, hey girls
Hey anybody that will listen to me
Incase you haven't noticed
It's me aganist the world today

I fell out of the wrong side of the bed today
And landed in the (?)
My stupid alarm clock screaming at me
From across the room

I'm trying to be nice
I'm trying to be reasonable
But it's oh so hard when I don't wanna be
If you're looking for that nice girl
From the day before
Don't bother, she don't live here anymore

Cause it's me against the world today
(Oh what a stupid day)
Yeah, it's me against the world today
(Just stay out of my way)
And incase you haven't noticed
And incase you haven't heard
It's just me against the world
And the world is winning

You should have let me stay in bed
I've got this pounding in my head
Now nothing's ok
Would you stay out of my face today?
I'm slamming doors
I'm slamming phones
Can't walk out, boy
This temper tantrum
Stay out of my way
Cause if you don't, you will be scared away


You're a very hard nut to crack.. stubborn and
sometimes a little bitchy.. you at one time or
another, wear your school tee over your
Situated between ACS barker and SJI... you'd still
pick SJI guys...

That's weird... I was in there for a period of time...but NO...SjI guys are *ahem*...
yeah...so nah...that's kinda wrong. yeah... one thing "right" is that I'm bitchy...or at least I'm supposed to be!...
tired..tired... my eyes are slowly drooping shut... so tired of my life... just 3 more papers before itz all over... can hardly wait
we still have a choir exchange during the holz..not looking forward to it at all...can't they even give us a tiny break?!?!?!? urgh...my life....



*smiles* I'm finally happy today... Founder's day was okay I guess...
except for d.nair who was sitting behind me...she kept saying
"The camera's on me...the camera's on me!!"
*sigh*..I've got eng.compre and chinese listening tomorrow.... can't wait to get it over with, especially maths...
I feel so guilty about going shopping and watching a movie on Sat now...especially since my exams are not over..
but at least I enjoyed it...so yeah... no point thinking about it anymore!!!!
can't wait....after the exam's it'll be TV and sleep time instead of mugging time...
...no more acids and Ashoka being forced into my brain...
...*sigh*...can't wait....

6 more days to ... 21.10.03



Which Japanese word are you?
You are:Mondai (problem)


I am gonna take a looong nap after this...hopefully i won't have to wake up. Hate looking at my science books... I feel so utterly stupid when i look into my books and realise I don't know a single thing...and I want to cry and wail to someone,..but I realise I'm not six anymore.

My inner child is six years old today

My inner child is six years old!

Look what I can do! I can walk, I can run, I can
read! I like to do stuff, and there's a whole
big world out there to do it in. Just so long
as I can take my blankie and my Mommy and my
three best friends with me, of course.

How I wish...then maybe whenever I do something wrong...people will forgive me easily cuz I'm young and stupid!

Eng paper1 just totally ruined my day... Urgh!!! and there's still chinese tomorrow.... I don't think I'll ever live through the exams...
worst thing is, I still have choir after my paper tomorrow!!!

Jaclyn has a sore throat and doesn't want to go for choir...

Jaclyn hates the exams

Jsclyn is sick of mugging

Jaclyn hopes she doesn't ever wake up until Oct 21st

Jaclyn doesn't give a fuck



hmmz... Just mugged real bad for lit... I really am gonna die from boredom...tiredness...URGGGHH!!! well... just realised some pple think I'm a real bitch..how sad my life is...


I'm a BITCH BITCH BITCH!!!!! *sigh* that felt gD... I can't wait for exams to be over.... maybe then I'll have some time to spend doing things which don't require a brain... like just simply spacing...that'll feel gD!
...life's a bitch....


-^jac - choir - pink - green - prissy - piglet - one voice - lollies - shopping queen - mars - freedom -

Crap your way through!

` Things to Do!

*Wits(oh man...)
*Get pudgie a bigger home!
*Give Dora her long-awaited treat

09.03 10.03 11.03 12.03 01.04 02.04 03.04 04.04 05.04 06.04 07.04 08.04 09.04 10.04 11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 01.06 03.06

John's Christian Music Codes

Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com