
Okay...back to talk about the musical...
I hope you guys don't think I'm bhb-ing all right... after all, my pride went all the way down to zero00000000
after the audition today... bad bad day
It was a total one man show and we were all given a character to play, and we had to make up our own lines...
That's not the worst part...next, we had to go in on our own, stand on the stage with the 3 teachers, scary looking teachers sat below the stage.....exactly like American Idol...
Ms.Loh = Simon
Ms.Tan = Randy
Ms.Ng = Paula...

get my drift?? it was just simply creepy...

and Ms.loh told me to try out the encourager/good friend and vainpot role... and I'm like, geez... ME? U CALLING ME A VAINPOT? URGh...insulting...

Just had a great meal at Jack's ... Steak and Catfish in brown sauce...mmmm
ehehez...felt like I ate an entire cow... moo...
Great...eat more kaus, maybe they'd become extinct one day, considering how much I HATE them!!!




dang... I just got scared outta my skin... *shudder*... I'm seriously creeped..
Just received this email with pic of the lookalike of the freaky lookin' woman from the ring... eeps....
I'll summarise my week in 3 words... tiring, draining, eyebags causing (?)... (oops...4 words)

The good news for the week?? Well, I got shortlisted for the musical, but the catch is, there's still yet another audition to get through...(lord save me) ...I saw lotsa people getting real sad and emotional .. and I'm like... WATCHASADABOUT???UDON'THAVETOGOTHROUGHANOTHERAUDITIONFEELINGLIKE

3 tests in a week...namely:

- CHINESE....which was the ultimate killer..
-Lit... almost made my hands rot...
-History... everything that I didn't study came out...(maybe 'cuz I DID'NT study...*ahem*)

Oh yes... suffered through 3 choir sessions and an excursion this week... could it get any worse?? please say no

The trip was one hell of an eye-opener...I SERIOUSLY didn't know organic vegetable farm smelt so bad..
Oh yeah, and I DID learn some E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N-A-L stuff... urm, Changi is the name of a tree... I never knew that!

I'm crapping here...

Jaclyn's tired...
Rock aby baby on the tree top....



I'm in a CHINESENEWYEAR MOOD now...after piggin' out on an endless supply of cny goodies.... and practically eating an entire chicken/pig/cow/manyothers for every single meal... and now my stomach is just about to explode... like a balloon blown to its max... ouch

Well, the peak of my day?? playing in the rain with my dad and sis, ... my dad really shocksme sometimes... playing around like a little boy ...ahahaz... It felt really really great... I think my mum's eyebrows rose at least an inch when she saw us, soaked to the skin, shivering, but laughing like hyenas and mad dogs...

I still feel great though...(ehehez...WHYTHEHELLDOIKEEPBLABBERINGONANDON!???!...bear with me...)

Feeling all warm and fuzzy now...ahh...the wonders of life!

Jaclyn...you're such a doofus



I feel like killing myself... my life stinks... stinky poo poo
I'm angry... I wanna plunge down from the 987th floor (?)...
for some VERY WEIRD reason, Ms.Loh made the 4 of us re-audition for the musical just because we looked like we could act/sing...Geez...hasn't anyone taught her to NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER? Then she told me I looked like one of the characters... and I was like, " I LOOK LIKE THE PERSON..YES...L-O-O-K like..."
The singing was just pits... I sounded no different from an angry crow schreeching for my dear life... I really, really, almost died...fainted from embarressment

Then came the acting bit... she said I just totally fit the part of the "big sis"...like I didn't even have even have to act, I just was IT...and I'm like..."right... I'm the youngest in the family...a spoilt brat to the core, always getting what I want...and you are telling I fit anf look the part of the BIG SISTER OR EVEN THE MOTHER!?!??! ARE YOU TIRED OF LIVING OR WHAT?!"

I'm not gonna complain anymore... I'm too depressed..hahax.. (so drama...)..
Anyhow, I probably won't even make it into the musical...she probably already striked me off her list... *waaaaaaaaaaahhhhh*

Jaclyn...go stuff your mouth with a watermelon...or maybe a pomelo...
Jaclyn...SHUT UP!



The IvP Launch Seminar was really something I wish I don't ever have to go through again...*ahem* quite all right!...ahaz... we sat behind an entire row of SCGS girls...man, that really brought back memories to me..*sigh*..but somehow I don't quite miss the days where I was a dainty li'l SC girl...(hmm...I wonder why? )

Well, I'm getting really really tired these days...

exhaustion - The state of being exhausted; extreme fatigue...

Seriously, I've never felt worse than this....PMS, in a state of denial, pissed off, cranky, energy-less(?)...
The only thing's that keeping me upright is the 2-day break from school... that'll give me some time to recharge my bat...BUT It'S CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! I'm supposed to be going around with abundant energy, screaming "GONG XI FA CAI HONG BAO NA LAI!" to everyone I meet... ehehez ... I'm have a hunch this CNY's gonna be pretty exciting...
- I may suddenly decide to fall asleep in my bowl during the reunion dinner...
-I'll be stoned 24/7
-I'll probably plop down in bed even before the reunion dinner begins...(so there's no chance of me falling asleep in the
-I'll be too tired to speak...for once...

There's too much more to write about... but I've decided not to be such a pessimist... CNY's supposed to be about gD stuff...so I'll think happy thoughts...happy thoughts ...I can do it (yeah...and donkey's snort and go *oink oink*)


ZzzzzZZzzzzzZZZzzzz ...Jaclyn's gonna dream about pleasant stuff...(RIGHT!)



Dark magician. You love the dark because of it's
beauty and just the life that no-one else sees.
Mysterious, calm, quiet... But that doesn't
mean you're not friendly!


ehehez.. well, all's not too gD in my life.. I just hate myself for everything I do...
I'm scaring myself...
I keep blurting things out at the wrong time...like when nair told me she signed up for Peer Tutor... I reply was, " my...I pity the people you're gonna teach..." then I was like WHATTHEFUCK!?!??! I said that out loud?
Geez... that's not good... I'll bet she bearing a HUGE grudge on me now.
And I keep forgetting and talking about IP...Jean, I'm so sorry!! ehehez...u know I'm not doing it on purpose right? RIGHT!? SAY YES!
I can be such an ignorant pig sometimes...
Oh yeah... the CCA fair was great, we got our choir tee!! `whee~
Although some of the Sec.1s really annoyed me...they were like,
"...but I don't have a good voice... ... but I scared my voice not nice... but I scared of the audition!!!" most of them said exactly that... it's a good thing I was in a great mood that day...or I would've throttled them... URGH! I was like ..
"it doesn't matter...*rolling my eyes*...really..."

I've been really tired these days,.... literally, not tired like I usually mean it but tryinghardtokeepmyeyesopen kinda tired...ehehez..
Everyday's a "sleepy day" for me...*yawn*...



The CCA Fair's tomorrow... still remember how I was then...
...scared stiff
and NP being so enthu... screaming at the top of their lungs...
ehehez... it's like I'm speaking from an old woman's point of view or something... how weird.
Well, the good news is, today's Friday, and I'm really just too glad.. I'm simply just drained... all my energy for anything's gone.

What's the meaning of life?
Why do things always take a turn for the worse for me?
What's the meaning of true happiness?
Why do I take all this shit?
What's the reason for all I'm feeling?

I've gotten enough shit for the shit, more than I can ever take...
leave me alone... don't ever provoke me... I'm too tired to do anything...



There's a major problem with blogger... and it's making me majorly pissed...haha...
Well, school's still a drab, lessons killing me, annoying teachers, homework, ... all that...
Feeling so drained... like all my energy is slowly seeping outta me... soon I'll be nothing but a nasty old grump with tousled, ugly hair and no brains or beauty...
Just thinking about it makes me feel even worse... I'm such a screwed up person...
I've just realised what a terrible decision I made at the beginning of the year...
Choosing the closest seat to nair so she keeps bugging me now... [ why did she have to choose the seat right next to mine!??!!? And she somehow keeps bugging me at the wrong time...either when I'm just about to blow up cuz of too many reasons to say (namely, annoyed by cows, homework, annoyed...) or when it's still dark out , early in the morn and I can barely keep my eyes from shutting...
that poor girl, I can't remember how many times I've screamed at her... although I don't exactly pity her that much...

Jaclyn, quit being such a bitch ...



I love my blog's song!!!

Jaclyn's in a dreamy mood...again



School was such a drab... I'm could just die from boredom...
And it was like a triple shocker for me...
3) Pinch me... I seem to be seeing Ms.Wong at the front of our class again...
please...someone tell me I'm just having a terrible nightmare and everything's
gonna be all right once it's over...
The peak of my day?? ehehehz...well, I was sitting next to a little 1A1 gurl, and she looked exactly like a younger version of Ms.Wong... big glasses, SHORT, carrying a bag bigger than her, very little hair...hahax...and I think I really scared her since I was almost rolling about with laughter... how nice...
I still remember my first day... i hated the school...waitaminute... I still hate it...

Oh well, what can I do???


-^jac - choir - pink - green - prissy - piglet - one voice - lollies - shopping queen - mars - freedom -

Crap your way through!

` Things to Do!

*Wits(oh man...)
*Get pudgie a bigger home!
*Give Dora her long-awaited treat

09.03 10.03 11.03 12.03 01.04 02.04 03.04 04.04 05.04 06.04 07.04 08.04 09.04 10.04 11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 01.06 03.06

John's Christian Music Codes

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