
This is sooooo cute!!!...



ehehez....poor Regina... poor me

*sigh*...she almost got dragged/pulled/forced into having dinner with my mum's thai friends...long long story

Oh well... they filmed us for choir today... so so so crappy. Some people didn't even get filmed... such a waste of time, they even made us wear our ugly super "fashionable" choir costume...urgh.
Went to regina's house, did ip...had Yoshi at Heartland...and then regina came over... what a boring, boring day.



Ran 20 rounds today... 4.km...




ehehez... finally bought my stool...it's GREEN!!!!!!!!!!

I'm crazy....

Bought a furry little stool padding for it...and guess what colour it is???

someone shoot me~



The week's finally over... *yAy*...

Well, it was one hell of a toturous week for me...

IP... we started real problem solving already..everything's moving too fast for me... my brain needs a break

Jacobs asked us to join wits... that clashes with the musical...so it's the musical or that...
I've just realised that IP is in July as well... It's like WHAT THE FUCK WHY CAN'T EVERYTHING JUST SPREAD OUT EVENlY?

What to do what to do...

The goods news?

NO CHOIR TOMORROW!!! I''m going to IKEA to buy...my lime green stool...
and of course shop, shop, shop , shop.... need I go on??

Jaclyn can't wait.



What's your usual mood?

Perfect...just perfect...



Oh yeah..watched MAA yesterday...5566 are such an embarresment to their own kind...
I mean, "The Winner is....... G-STRING..."
They should just learn to stick to Mandarin... nothing else...
Poor BoA... such uneducated people presenting her with her prize...
If I were them, I'd have long since dug a hole to Timbaktu...

Oh well...


I suck at goodbyes.

I didn't make it yesterday... cried like there was no tomorrow...
It was as if a dam had burst...

So sad...



Went out shopping yesterday...ehehez.. my fav thing in the whole wide world!!
Well, didn't exactly buy much, a b'day prezzie for a choir senior, Infernal Affairs III... can't remember what else...
Was at Suntec, and saw girls queuing and waiting for Gareth Gates to arrive... there were barely 20 people there... the girls probably didn't even have to queue... *ahem*, okay, I'm being mean again.

Went to with my sis to buy chocs for Vday... there was this scary looking woman with mangled hair and a strong odour... my mum was convinced she was senile... mentally disabled
I was like trying to choose the chocs when she tapped me and asked me, " Do u think chocolates are appropriate to give people on Valentine's Day??"
Me, in shock, said " urm...y-yeah... yeah...."ehehez, Í know that's being real mean, but I was really, truly freaked.

Another thing to prove that I was freaked would be that all I said was "ÿeah" when she asked such an OBVIOUS question... the normal me would have said something like, "U stupid or what...??"or something to that extent..

My description probably doesn't sound very frightening, but I'm wimpy, and this is my blog so stuff it...

For dinner, it was Sakae... ate till I felt like a overblown balloon... ouch
It was meant to be some sorta "last dinner"with my sis before she leaves...

Hopefully I won't cry tonight at the airport... I won't ...

Jaclyn's getting dillusional...



UrGh... I'm back to being energy-less once more...

ran 1500m today... pretty tiring, and as usual my face was flushed and my head looked like an overgrown tomato...
Apple-face.... geez
Jacobs asked a group of us to join Pupil Wits today...cuz she thinks we can speak well?...ehehez...
big mistake..she'll just get a taste of my horrific english...
And I was thinking... "Not another IP..."...trust me opting to do IP was a rather huge mistake... geez..
It's too tiring dammit!!!

Saying that I'm stressed out would be an understatement.

Try half-dead
or rather, I wish I was dead.

Another matter to laugh about... Nair's sudden attachment to Jean & me... it's bloody freaky

- She follows right behind us while we run on the track... we run, she runs, we walk she walks... URGH!
-We tried changing seats 4 bloody 4 times just to avoid her and she followed us to whatever position we went to.
talk about being a huge pest...
-She headed straight for us when she went into the canteen even though we were totally out of her path...

I guess she REALLY took it seriously when Jeannete asked her, "DEBRA!!!! DO U WANNA BE MY FRIEND??""

Jean, next time just SHUTUP!

Jaclyn's Bloody tired



I'm dead beat... lost all my energy... feeling useless and unwanted....

To hell with my life... I'm not gonna care anymore, I don't give a bloody damn about what's going to happen...
I've no more dignity, nothing left to lose, nothing worth looking at...

There's really nothing more for me to lookk forward to, feeling so lost, losingmyway

God save me, redeem me...



There's so much happening on the 14th.... so sad... they're all not happy stuff...


-^jac - choir - pink - green - prissy - piglet - one voice - lollies - shopping queen - mars - freedom -

Crap your way through!

` Things to Do!

*Wits(oh man...)
*Get pudgie a bigger home!
*Give Dora her long-awaited treat

09.03 10.03 11.03 12.03 01.04 02.04 03.04 04.04 05.04 06.04 07.04 08.04 09.04 10.04 11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 01.06 03.06

John's Christian Music Codes

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