

I've finally worked out all the problems in the blog!!!

blooody tired I tell ya... I so regret joining WITs... should I just give it up? Too fuckin' tired for words. Someone help me...
Had to suffer with that annoying kumudar for such a loong time 'cuz we needed data from her. She moved as fast as my great-grandmother who's already passed away.



STOOOOOOOOOOPID chatterbox...screwed up!


Man...this song brings back memories....ahhh


When my days seem like nights and I’m battered and worn

I wrestle with agony of having ever been born

I seem to have no purpose, I seem to have no plan

I seem to have no hope, no foundation on which to stand

God why have You called Me to accomplish Your Will?

Why is Your patience a part of me still?

I don’t see a Potter Who has molded this clay

I only see someone who can’t find her way

Nice poem....



I'm even too tired to blog these days. *sigh*...what's with me?
I'm seriously detioriating....like an old person. Losing my mind, my brain, my dignity. What's left?
Too bloody tired to even care anymore.

We took measurments for the Musical costumes yesterday. A flood of nostalgia then. I DON'T WANNA BE SINGING IN THE CHOIR!!! I HAD TO BLOODY HELL GIVE UP MY ROLE! I'M SO FREAKIN' STUPID! I HATE MYSELF.
It so happens that I can't get out of doing choir 'cuz Mrs.Tay says I should "juggle" wits and that. Is she outta her mind? I think so. At the end of it, i'm just gonna collapse from exhaustion. Someone kill her for me.

The good news? The exams end 2 days before my birthday!!! Is that great or what!? I can still remember last year, I had a freakin' maths paper on my bitrhday, and a geog one the day after! Totally no room for celebration.
Pissed off.

I've suddenly lost the mood to write.
I'll probably complete it when I feel like it again..



I'm fuckin' tired now....

Got woken up by my dad at an ungodly hour to go for a jog, which turned out to be even longer than my 2.4 ... urgh.
Then my parents came up with the bloody idea of going to MacRitchie for a morning walk....
I was like, "someone tell me this is a dream..." too bad it wasn't.
Went to see My Girl on Thurs.... very very cuuute show. No hotties, but nevertheless, entertaining. Went to Seoul Garden, and they ran outta gas mid-way through the eating, and the funny thing was S'poreans, being their usual kiasu self .... *sigh*...They were all indirectly asking for a refund, but not a single soul was daring enough to ask for a refund straight. There was a mad rush for the pizza and calamari...I had a good show.

Missing my sis now, aust sounds like a much better place to be at right now. Oh well, unlucky me, like always.
School starts in 2 days... feel like crying. Why does the break seem so short? Before I know it, it'd me WHAM! mid-years.
someone pinch me and get me outta this nightmare.

Jaclyn....just shut up.



Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most
of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but
Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure
Angels always appear when a child is born, when
a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their
first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear
in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold
wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and
show their love to everyone in the world.



Yes. It took me this long to wait for something exciting to happen in my life.
Just saw a huge eye-opener... babies singing and dancing hip hop... geez...what do they do to those little fellas this days?
Give them a break man!
Came back from camp yesterday, now I'm sunburnt a.k.a lobster, with my legs cramping with every step i take.
Slept for 4 ++ hours when I got back yesterday, was awake for another 3 hours before I zonked out again. *sigh*, the wonders of sleeping on a proper bed.
I'm starting to sound like a real pimp now. Can't deny that i'm not...
The camp? Made lotsa new friends...the only major achievement was the 6++hrs long hike. Many of them "died" upon reaching Bukit Timah hill after walking from MacRitchie, but the instructors were like, "If you don't go, you'll regret it, the view's wonderful" Me, being the forever kiasu type climbed up to the summit with the rest. When we finally reached the peak, I regretted being so ultimately stuuuupid. What kind of view can there be at Bukit Timah Hill?
Greenery, a spectacular scene of the entire island? No.
HDB blocks, power station, Yessss. We ha to resort to climbing to the Quarry for a "better" view, which was basically a more direct view of the HDbs.
The funniest bit of the camp was this gay gay gay instructor who would wear his FBT shorts sooo high he didn't have to wear them at all. He was better than any of us at some gurly aerobic moves (oh my...) and was cheering for our team like,
(waving his arms around madly...and shrieking..) "go on! Go on grp 8....you can do it!! " I totally lost my appetite after seeing him do that. At that moment, I could actually picture him in a cheerleading outfit and waving his pompoms.
Gosh... such people shouldn't be allowed to live.



Isn't great that the week's finally over?... *sigh*

Well, nothing much worth writing about... but here goes..

We went for the IP seminar yesterday, and the only reason I volunteered was pretty simple. Choir was at the same time...
But the way it turned out? I made a big mistake. It was bad enough, constrained in between the bloody cow and amelia (she's act. not that but besides the fact that she kept lying on my shoulder...I mean, WHAT'SWITHTHAT?)
Cow was being the total bitch she usually is, and while we were copying notes, she tried to hide hers from me, like it was some worta competition .."Oh hey, let's see who can copy faster!"
The seminar was ... boooooooring. That's the only word I can think of to describe it. The only entertaining bit was the Q&A...and the dean (or something like that) had a high, squeeeaaaky voice and spoke like, "Yeew xiiiii, enno-weisen ish ..." ("You see, innovation is...")
I just simply couldn't contain my laughter...oh well
most of the lecturers were old and balding... so there was absolutely no eye candy... *sigh* again.
Ms.Lau was the funniest...she drove us there ... reckless driver she is. We met with 10++ almost-accidents(?)
She kept saying, "Don't show your feelings on your face! Look interested!!!!
That was hard.

Ms.Wong also kept threatening me.."You're not going to get promoted I tell u... -blah-blah-blah-blah-"

talking about her had just ruined my mood totally...

Oh yeah today was Mrs.Wong's last day... semi-sad affair?
I guess...she kept going on about "You guys are making it sound like I'nm dying tomorrow or something...

going now...dozing off...



-^jac - choir - pink - green - prissy - piglet - one voice - lollies - shopping queen - mars - freedom -

Crap your way through!

` Things to Do!

*Wits(oh man...)
*Get pudgie a bigger home!
*Give Dora her long-awaited treat

09.03 10.03 11.03 12.03 01.04 02.04 03.04 04.04 05.04 06.04 07.04 08.04 09.04 10.04 11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 01.06 03.06

John's Christian Music Codes

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