
School's finally out... how long have I waited for this day??? Sad thing is, it does not end here. Musical prac... choir... wits..ip...

*sigh*...loooong way more..

What's it with the "know your flaws?" how stupid of those people... At least I was not the one bad-mouthing others behind their backs. What should I call you..
with veeeery limited vocab... don't criticise others if you can't do any better...
not to forget in XXXL size.




Oh yes... too all those pple who see a weird pic like "imgae hosted by angelfire....blahblahblah" there's just something wrong with it yeah?? It appears only on some coms... I'll go figure it out when i have the time...



Just came back from watching Shrek 2.... such a cute show. Saw the trailer for Confessions...I wanna watch that!!!!!!




I cried like crap yesterday. Yes. Incredibly embarressing.... but I couldn't control it. The week spent with them was great...*sigh*.
It felt as if I was back home again.
Oh well...good things don't ever last long. Got an entire collection of Body Shop stuff... my fav - Moonflower scent. I'm happy happy happy! And lotsa chocolate. Things went well after I finally got out of my room... ehehez... yes I did finally get out.
URGH! I'm in school now... stomach's cramping like shit. I need some serious help...or at least some medicine.



I'll kill my friends. What's the meaning of locking me up in my room and not allowing me to come out till they ask me to?! ehehez... some surprise. They should try not to make it so obvious yeah?
Bah! Can't imagine what they have up their sleeve lah... probably something incredibly weird...knowing them. I'm always with werid people. Someone SAVE me. hahax.
Oh well.... today in sch? I hated it. TO be honest, it really sucked. I don't know lah... felt so listless... tired. Even had to do bloody IP. Why can't my b'day fall on the weekend!? Now i'm back home with real people, I feel good again. Maybe it's just me.. I'm the only one who feels this way. That the class is just [undescribable ]...



Yep...stumbled upon this very old song byt he Eagles..they sang hotel California too, which a a must-know I guess...been listening to it since I was 6? Yeah... enjoy.


Desperado, why don't you come to your senses,
You've been out ridin fences for so long now,
Oh and you're a hard one, but I know that you've got your reasons,
The things that are pleasin' you can hurt you somehow.

Don't you draw the Queen of Diamonds boy, she'll beat you if she's able.
You know the Queen of Hearts is always your best bet.
Now it seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table,
But you only want the ones you can't get.

Desperado, you ain't gettin no younger,
Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin you home,
And freedom, oh freedom, well that's just some people talkin.
Your prison is walking through this world all alone.

Don't your feet get cold in the wintertime,
The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine,
It's hard to tell the nighttime from the day.
And you're losin all your highs and lows,
Ain't it funny how the feelin goes away?

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses,
Come down from your fences- open the gates.
It may be rainin, but there's a rainbow above you.
You'd better let somebody love you,
Let somebody love you.
You'd better let somebody love you,
before it's too late.

*sigh*...I'm supposed to be happy that I'm gonna turn 14 tomorrow...but somehow, the feeling's not very right.. I need a life. I'm stuffed to the max.


Just realised the pink's too strong. Ahh...heck, I'm to lazy. I'll just live with it till I feel like changing it again. Musical prac again today. boring?? ahahaz...whaddyathink?! Oh well. I've got a loooong way more to go though. IP sucked. I'm really regretting making that stupid stupid choice. Urgh.
My blog seems to be advertising for roxy. *sigh* i just like the picture...ehehez. Wait till I find something nice lah.



ehehez...changed my blogskin...like after 8 months?? ehehez. I'm a lazy pig. Oh well, it's very pink. I like. A good break from green. hahax. After spending 3 hours online looking for a suitable blogskin, my kneck hurts, my back aches and I'm tired and hungry.




Super tired out. Eheehz...had fun though! realised how much I miss my friends. life here's so different... and I'm not used to it. I guess it's just me lah... I take really long to adjust to things. This is after all my home...and I've been here for over a year. It doesn't help that there're all these weird things happening and all the problems start appearing after so long.
Oh well, I've just gotta learn how to deal with things. I can't keep feeling sorry for myself.
Had a ton of fun last night. Ehehez... we bought like a whole lot of junk food + popcorn +pizza + cup noodles + ice cream ...pasta... macs...candy...sushi...
Geez... I've never felt so full. It was a hell of a smorgasboard. ehehz. fun. I've not done it in a loong loong while. We just ate and ate and talked till morning. *sigh*... real fun.

just realised that we're gonna check papers on my b'day... if I remember correctly. Hopefully my memory failed me and it's the day after and I can actually enjoy my b'day. I'm praying.

I need a new beginning.



ehehez... my com was screwed up yesterday so I couldn't blog. Oh well. hahahahahahaha....NO MORE EXAMS!!!!!!!! this is sorta a slow reaction but who cares right?
Had lotsa fun yesterday...went out... ate ...and ate... Japanese...Cheesecake... ahhh
Had my hair cut too... it's a little shorter now... but no major change lah.
I'm bored though...probably gonna go out later. I'm actually supposed to be really happy right? I guess lah...it takes quite some time for me to realise that some things are actually happening. I'll probably have a delayed reaction later,... oh well. I'm not known for being too smart or anything.




ehehz...and I thought I could stop it with the violence. No way in hell. Science was a major screwup. I wanna RETAKE RETAKE!!! stupid me. My mind was a total blank. Like, concave mirror...huh? whazzat?
I can't wait for tomorrow to be over. Seriously...then I can spend some time indulging..ehehz.. that means shopping for me. I can't wait.

today's gonna be my last day of cramming. Feel happy for me. finally. Finally.



just started with my chinese and hour ago. And I'm barely even halfway through...and what am I doing?!?!? Argh! I'm such a slacker...nvm..nvm

Maths really almost killed me lah...
Jeez...I was about to complain that it was so bloody hard when pple started goin, "so easy... not bad lah.."
Yep...so I kept my mouth shut. URGH! Hopefully, hopefully I pass. It's a little late, but I'll continue praying. maybe the teacher who marks my paper will be so tired from marking that she'll see all my wrong answers as correct. Hopefully it's a nice teacher that marks my paper and she likes to give sympathy marks. *sigh*
I need some serious help. Maybe a psychologist would help. Maybe I'm actually nair in disguise. Maybe...

Oh well... I'm supposed to be studying..



I'm happy again. Some people should really get a life. Oh Well...I'm not gonna care anymore.

Exam stress getting to me? Maybe. I'm not gonna care anymore though. Screamed myself hoarse yesterday...ehehez...hope I didn't wake the neighbours. It felt really good though. I'm finally through with everything. I need some time ...I need my own space. One more thing... I though blogs were supposed to be PRIVATE??? It's no one's business what i do with my blog. I'm in control anyway... I don't even care if you think I'm a coward. 'Cuz I know you all are bigger cowards. Some people don't even dare to admit who they are. All they can do is contradict others with limited vocabulary and nothing new. They're probably just too scared to look at their own faults so they start picking on others first.
Nevermind... I forgive u for being so pathetic...

Oh yes...everyone that's been a victim of my PMs... so sorry!! You guys have been great though...
Thanx so much!



Leave everything behind.
Forget what has happened.
They don't mean a thing anymore.

urgh! If I ever touch a lit book in my life, I swear I'll go senile. Lit exam was a killer. Literally. Urgh! Just stared blankly at the paper and went "huh?" I never want to do another character analysis ever again. After this it's cramming the WWII into my already stuffed brain. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gimme a break.
Everyone was so upset after the paper today. Felt like a piece of crap. Useless. I should've tried harder. Just gave up so easily.... after this it's the Clay Marble. *sigh*.... oh well.

** oh yes...brit-USA....it'd be nice if you could leave my blog alone. I don't think we've even met. We should just stop it with the swearing 'cuz it's not much of a help...I'm not gonna be bothering about what else you have to say, 'cuz it's just getting plain annoying. I don't see your reason for intruding in other pple's privacy and start scolding them if you haven't even met them. Do yourself a favour and learn to do something more useful with your life.



I hate people with big asses. Esp the bloody one in our class with such a foul mouth and a constipated face. Stupid. Stupid Stupid. Deserve it for what you said about us. Ahaahhaz.
If you ever dare to do it again, I so swear to break off your friend's already "broken" finger and shove it up your nose.
What's it with people these days...getting on my nerves. Maybe it's just me lah... super irritated...annoyed. People just don't seem to get me. I need my space...I deperately need to be left alone. And my studying's not getting any further...I couldn't care less anymore. who gives lah. I don't anymore.

I tired to tell her, but she didn't get it I guess. I don't know. I'm not gonna say anything anymore. It's getting too tiring. Too exasperating. I need some time to get this over and done with. *sigh*





-^jac - choir - pink - green - prissy - piglet - one voice - lollies - shopping queen - mars - freedom -

Crap your way through!

` Things to Do!

*Wits(oh man...)
*Get pudgie a bigger home!
*Give Dora her long-awaited treat

09.03 10.03 11.03 12.03 01.04 02.04 03.04 04.04 05.04 06.04 07.04 08.04 09.04 10.04 11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 01.06 03.06

John's Christian Music Codes

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