
It's a wonder cyberweek still exists with everyone cursing it to no end. I almost did not live through even the first day. Imagine... endless windows popping up, more work appearing with each click, despair and misery filling my entire day. What the heck...life's worse with cyberweek around. It just gives me another reason to plinge my head into a buket of cold water and convince myself that it's not a real world I'm living in. I guess I'm not the only one though.

There's still a huge stack of work waiting for me... and my group. Whoever came up with the idea og group work should be shot.



Okay. This is it. Cyberweek officially sucks for me. The whole grouping problem today was just the last straw. I'm gonna kill the shortie. Like right now.

My throat's just gotten worse... flu's not any better...at least the fever's gone!!!
Did my oral today... ehehez... quite a relief when I got it done and over with. Got a 15... not too bad considering I was positive that it was a sure failure. Oh yeah... and surprise suprise...I passed my maths...there's got to be a first in everything~

Lit test was just not my best... studied the wrong bloody thing... wrote a whole ton of crap. What's new?



I'm supposed to be all determined and revved up from the briefing yesterday... but I feel more dead and dejected... it just didn't help in the way it was supposed to...

Li Jiawei lost!!!!!

what a pity for the girl....lacked mental strength I guess... *sigh*... sounds so familiar... you cave in and succumb to things due to the psychological factor. Been having serious mood swings lately... and came down with a fever last night. It was all so sudden... Now i'm still sniffling and having a terrible sore throat from trying to reach all the high notes at choir yesterday... blame it on my incompetence.


Feel like a piece of crap oncemore... just came back from the subject briefing ---- made me feel more insecure, worried, stressed, hopeless...etc

The usual... perhaps I shouldn't have gone at all...wouldn't feel so bad about myself if I hadn't.

Where do I belong in this world...



Feel like crap now.... any idea how it feels like to study for a geog test. uRgh! My brain still hasn't recovered from the trauma, someone bang all the stuff about arable land and natural resources outta my head. NOW!
It's the end of the week...lit test got postponed...ehehez... *phew
The week's been bland... had a talk about peer lites today..perhaps I should try..hmm.can't make up my mind...although wong would probably strongly object to it. She probably won't even sign it.
I wanna go see huang yi da at hard rock on the 28th... guess it's just my luck that we hvae a performance at sentosa. I'm always this fortunate.



Finally changed my blogskin!!! ehehez...it's pink once more. I feel like such a bimb sometimes...ehehez... trying to cram geog and chinese into my head. Trying to do careful planning for my geog...like study for it a day in advance since there are so many bloody chapters to look into. urgh urgh urgh. But my plan did not exactly work out as I wished it to... geog in a no-no for me right now. it just doesn't want to squeeze into my pea brain. Chinese is in there but I'm not allowing it to flow out like it always does. Since I haven't exactly finished studying all the chinese I'm supposed to. My situation??? Deep sh*t



Finally...the internet's foxed..now the screen actually has some movement when I click on the icons!
Well... really dreaded school today... for some reason, felt like there was gonna be something horrible waiting for me there. I wasn't entirely wrong. The day definitely did not go as smooth as the baby's ass.... for starters...

-another test to add to this week's already hectic schedule...LIT!
-d&t's tomorrow...and I still have yet to collect my wood from her.
-gong han and all that $*#& which I don't understand at all!
-expository essay which I suck at...yet another thing to add to the looong list

*sigh*...I could go on naming them till god knows when.

Oh yeah... forgot to mention about the Sec.4 farewell... really touching..although we screwed up our act... with everyone including me not knowing what was going on. Announced the new exco... surprising for some... but pretty good, nonetheless...

ack! just felt a horrible ache in the back... going off now



Feel as though I didn't get anything done at all this 4-day hol. Didn't touch the cursed science book at all... and to think I actually planned to study this weekend... what a slacker. And I've picked up the horrid habit of talking to myself... such a dumbass [ see what I mean?]

Just received my copy of 8-days in the mail...ehehz... I wanna read it...more than I do the science textbook. I've got serious problems in identifying my priorities. NdP yesterday was superb? Yep... can't believed I actually teared up towards the end. Or perhaps it was just the fact that Kit Chan was singing so much instead of Lin JunJie...dunno what makes me so supportive of hin... patriotism I guss... can't say the same for that damned woman though.

Digestion, diffusion, osmosis, acids and whatnot...

they'd kill me.



Did our project today... nothing much though. Then went to somerset to meet my mummy...ehehez...shop shop shop, watched a play. Pretty good I guess. Been a long time since we had a mother-daughter outing. Saw House of Flying Daggers yesterday... so comical a show, still superb nonetheless.

I used to be able to blog twice a day...now blogging once a week is a bother. Times are changing... feel like end ing it all lah. Too many things happening, too little time to do anything about it. Feel so tired... lost my stamina in life.



Discussed about our sec.4 farewell today... should probably shop for gifts sometime soon!
Could not help but notice the significant change in the "positions" though. *sigh*...one musical changes everything. I tried my best today... in fact, i think I actually did a pretty good job. ehehez... peeling off the "nasty" image. Gina and I had quite a hard time trying to decide which movie to watch.... if only we didn't check the Mean Girls screenings. But now I've finally decided...WE'RE WATCHING THE HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS!!! I shall restrain from watching bimbotic shows since I'm already dangerously close to being one. Yes. I need to catch something enriching for once.



still into my patriotism....


Feel like a piece of crap. Why didn't I do anything? I feel so helpless...all I can do is watch it happen...nothing I can do to reverse time. Felt like what happened today was purely my fault. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so fussy about where I sat... felt like she just let out all she had been feeling. Anything there is for me to do? Felt so guilty. uRgh!

Why can't I just be the mean ole me? Just don't give a damn about what's happening and choose to ignore? I'm so screwed up. Someone come counsel me!!!!!!!!

Think I'm gonna explode someday. I hate being nice. Can I start showing my true colours? Thinking too much now. Should just be oblivious to everything... I'll probably be happier that way. My life's just gotten worse.



decided to be patriotic ehehz...for this week at least! Didn't wanna put the young voices version...too choral-like? ehehez... I'm in choir dammit!
ahh... the song's starting to get on my nerves now... hopefully I can hold out till Monday...ehehe.z..this is called doing my bit for the country..in a very special way!...
the day was pretty much stresssful? Let's just say that by the time I got to the end of it, I wished for nothing more than to reach home within a second and crawl into bed. That was basically what I was thinking of the entire day. I should start being more focused...everyone else is. aRgh! oh yeah...
highlight of the day : the rat in bio!!! That was the most amazing !!! ehehez... really woke me up! so intricate...all waxed up! ahahz..everyone thought that I was pretty weird. Oh well...that's what I'm interested in...it's science...what else is more interesting in science that I can undestand? Nothing. I don't understand anything much in science...which is why I'm doing so badly in it. 3 sciences?? Fat Hope.


-^jac - choir - pink - green - prissy - piglet - one voice - lollies - shopping queen - mars - freedom -

Crap your way through!

` Things to Do!

*Wits(oh man...)
*Get pudgie a bigger home!
*Give Dora her long-awaited treat

09.03 10.03 11.03 12.03 01.04 02.04 03.04 04.04 05.04 06.04 07.04 08.04 09.04 10.04 11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 01.06 03.06

John's Christian Music Codes

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