
Was actually contemplating putting Taufik's This is The Moment video up since I liked it so much. But I'm remaining a sly supporter till the end... ahahaz... but the Music of The Night video is definitely not going up. It makes me shudder.
The final's in a few hours... pple.... get armed with your phones and get ready waiting for the lines to be "open" yeah?! ahahaz... I sound like some crazed freak. Oh well.

Remember to vote - for SLY !



ehehez... went out again yesterday, shopped shopped shopped around orchard... and spotted angel at ps.. hahaz...
The highlight of the day--- spotted pple giving out the sylvester flags... I managed to get a few ... shoved the taufik ones back to the guy and asked for more sylvester ones. I think that sparked off my infatuation with him again.
I need sone serious help with the syf piece though... the last session wasn't too good for me and I'm waaaaay behind now. Oh well. I'm always like that- gotta try harder?
urgh. I just got back from a loooong walk at macritchie again... soles hurt, brain turned off.




I haven't been blogging... ah well, been busy trying to take control of my life. I'm tired though.

Yesterday was my mummy's b'day... ehehez, rushed to make a card for her the night before, that's been a tradition in our house - handmade cards. Oh well, I realised that I've been out of touch with you all for pretty long already... update me yeah?!?!?

I finding that I have lesser stuff to blog about these days, purely fatigue or just laziness I'll leave it for you all to figure out lah...
Oh yes, I'm thinking of watching Shutter, but wondering if it's worth it to waste away 7.50 since I'm actually going to be shielding my eyes more than half the time. It's all right though, I'm sure I'll finally pluck up the courage. Oh yes, a note to gina... don't worry!!! I won't forget your b'day yeah?? ahahaz... I think I'll remember to get a prezzie yeah... I promised you before!






ack... my happiness is shortlived!!!
was actually happy about sly's entry into the finals last night... fighting so hard for him even though I knew he kinda sucked in his performances... just heard some news about some police report filed against his mother for cheating pple of their money? ...and him being under investigation. They'd better not in hell disqualify him for this... I'll just flip! No way...
I just shudder when I think of taufik winning... urgh!



Somehow, after watching idol last night, I yearned for daphne to come back. Really weird since I've never been a fan of hers. Yeah well, I'm still slightly burnt from games day yesterday, which totally wiped me out man. But it was not too bad really, better than I hoped! dunked my face into the nasty flour mixture, but it wasn't too bad - despite how it looked!

Maybe tonight I'll finally have the chance to put sly's tribute video up ... ahahaz.. I seriously don't know what's happening to me. I used to be such a fan, now I just get annoyed by all the screaming he gets. Oh well.. just for old time's sake... VOTE for sly pple!



The cursor's a little early for christmas... but who gives lah.
I'm in the mood.



The day's been horrible for me. Urgh.

Had choir today, which was a major scare... was shaking miserably when we had to sing individually. Gee... what a loser I am. Ah well... it's not the first time anyway. Oh... and bought all my books today, but tossed them in some miserable corner once I got home. It's always the same. Been fooling around with my sims 2 lately, and I'm still not sick of it. That thing's addictive.
time for a sugar boost.

I hate you, you & you.



Just put up a really ooold video of sly, one of when he was still unnoticed. Ehehez...still remember how I swooned at the voice... how typical. Oh well, I love this song though - not just 'cuz it's sung by him! Don't know why the judges didn't like him then though... ehehez, oh well, was impressed by the voice but flinched at his looks when I first saw him...

If I don't stop now, this post is gonna be all about sly and that's pretty sad. Oh well, went to watch a movie with my ma today, almost bought my roxy wallet, but I realised that there's no point wasting my money when it's not the one I really want. Geez I'm fussy!



Watching gilmore now, just remembered how I used to love the show so bloody much. Ah well, a good time to get hooked on it once more, considering it's the hols and I've done nothing but eat, sleep, go online, watch tVee, sleep, eat...
Talked to my sis yesterday, gave her a loong list of things to buy from aust... ehehez, chocs and more chos... I'm still fussy about the chocolate though. I have no idea how anyone can scoff down an entire bar when I barf if I eat over my limit. Urgh. I'm sleepy again.



I hate goodbyes. I'm even reminded of the fact that we're all not gonna be together again when I'm reading other blogs. That makes me even more depressed. *sigh. Cried like an idiot when I read gina's blog, then proceeded to read many others which were not too different from hers.

I hate to think about next year.


-^jac - choir - pink - green - prissy - piglet - one voice - lollies - shopping queen - mars - freedom -

Crap your way through!

` Things to Do!

*Wits(oh man...)
*Get pudgie a bigger home!
*Give Dora her long-awaited treat

09.03 10.03 11.03 12.03 01.04 02.04 03.04 04.04 05.04 06.04 07.04 08.04 09.04 10.04 11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 01.06 03.06

John's Christian Music Codes

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