
ALL RIGHT!!! It's finally out... the lump that is. What a way to spend new year's eve though. Good thing I was happily healthy so they let me out. Well... now my right arm hurts pretty much when I lift it... so I'm a leftie for as long as I can bear to be one - not for long though... I keep forgetting. The stiches are covered though... with a pathetic white bandage/plaster thing which makes me feel sick. Somehow. I'll post some pics when the plaster's off... it's tiny by the way.
Speaking of new year resolutions... I don't plan to make any at the moment. Just try to find what I'm missing as the year goes on and make up for it along the way I guess. I'm lost half the time. Maybe just one... hoping class next year wouldn't be too scary/cold/unfriendly? I'm scared... *sigh... I'll probably be the stupidest one there... don't mind me yeah pple?
Oh yes.. thanks to all who've been wishing me well... I'm fine yeah?? Just complaining as I always do... HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!!!



ehehez... finally fufilled my pre-endofholiday wish... caught Meet the Fockers on sunday... ahahaz... I'm a happy person now. It was supposed to be NC-16... but heck... no one really checks... they only do for the 18 ones. It wasn't all that bad that they had to stop us kiddies from going in. Ah well...

Just bode farewell to my maid... the new one's coming in 2 days... It's depressing how I have to clean up after myself for the next 48 hours... I'm such a slob.

School's starting in a few days... ahhhhhh



gosh realised it's been ages since I've blogged... MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!! ehehez...

The party last night was all right I guess... but there was waaaay to much food. I'll be eating leftovers for a loooong time. Ah well... I'll have to wait for everyone to get home before we can open prezzies... it's sad, they usually gather to open presents in the morning.
Ah... it was so coincidental that an old lady my mum knows that lives across the street just passed away... so while we were celebrating christmas... there was, well... mourning going on nearby. I just didn't feel too good about it.

Ack.... the end of my my christmas shopping... *sigh



Caught Ocean's Twelve yesterday... it was good!!! Not quite like the genres i usually go for... was my sister's choice. Now I feel accomplished... such a loser innit?

Choir's been pretty scary lately... what's that they have with individual testing. and that tay just had to pick on my man... was shaking like a vibrator while squeaking out the song. Urgh. Embarrassment- something I'm used to. Today's my sis's first day at work... at my uncle's dog farm... she should really love it... considering how much she hates the sight of animals and thinks they're filthy. Ahaaha... meeeeaaaan.

I still feel sore watching the video... getoverit!



AHAAHA!!! finally.... the video I've been waiting for... ahhh



I'm still tired... been trying to do christmas shopping, and having a hard time remembering to get presents for everyone and having to fret over certain "financial issues". *sigh... the issues in my life.

Was watching star awards... I just have negatives feelings towards joanne peh... sad that she got best newcomer yeah? I wanted felicia chin to win. It always has to happen like that... let's not recall the sly episode. I'm still sore over it huh? Forever will be.



Just came back from bangkok last night... totally wiped out. Shopped for 4 days straight from morning to night walking, walking walking till my feet were sore and stinky. But it was great shopping... ehehehz... Now I feel fufilled and happy. MORE SHOPPING! But I need more sleeeeep...

You're such an ass 'ya know that?



I'm still in mourning mode right now. Sad innit?

Ah well... guess I didn't take taufik's win very well... was cursing him to no end. I thought sly actually stood a chance last night since his performances were really fab... they had me (and my mum) glued to the screen... but during taufik's time I was busy talking and just not tuned in to him at all. Maybe it's his constipated look when he's singing... keeps looking like he's trying to squeeze something out. Ewww. For the record, I still can't stand taufik, think he's a constipated ass with zero looks and no personality. Urgh. I sound so sore. But since they're both most likely to come up with albums... I can be sure which album I buy lah... we'll see then who's actually more popular... this'll be another clay aiken and ruben. AHAHAAH. Now I'm happy again.

Darn Taufik...


-^jac - choir - pink - green - prissy - piglet - one voice - lollies - shopping queen - mars - freedom -

Crap your way through!

` Things to Do!

*Wits(oh man...)
*Get pudgie a bigger home!
*Give Dora her long-awaited treat

09.03 10.03 11.03 12.03 01.04 02.04 03.04 04.04 05.04 06.04 07.04 08.04 09.04 10.04 11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 01.06 03.06

John's Christian Music Codes

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