
Ack... I've officially lost my voice...



Can't believe I'm already burnt out when it's only been 4 days after the holz. Wait... let me rephrase that...

It's no wonder that I'm so super exhausted since the holz were not what they were supposed to be and all the singing's been giving me a majoy migraine cum sore throat. But I guess our hard work will all be worth it if a attain a gold yeah?? I'm sure we can do it. Hope we can do it. ehehez... I really need to have more faith.

Was totally maluated at choir today... no way I'm gonna do it again. My face was just about as red as cherries... deeep deeeeep red. But nothing could save me from the embarressment lah... I should've just dug a hole to timbuktu.

Tell Me How I'm Special (aka The Answered Question)

What's my gift and passion
that you say I should pursue?
Tell me how I'm special
'cause I haven't got a clue
I know it's not my brains because
I'm just your average sort
I know it's not my muscles and
I'm not too good at sport
I know it's not my talent
couldn't sing to save my soul
can't dance or draw or paint
and don't quite know my earthly role
So help me any way you can
If what you say is true
I need to find my calling
there's some things I want to do
I've triumphed over obstacles
I've wished, then worked, then won
I've learned a thing or two
and faced some fears I've overcome
But many--even those most dear
are stuck in traps of doubt
And once I find my gift
then I can show them safe ways out!



I'm so not looking forward to practice tomorrow... just have a feeling that it'll be pretty unbearable. Huge sigh.

went for city harvest service today It felt good praising god today, especially since it's been looong since I've gona to service. Was a little skeptical about a few things though... sigh... can't even make up my mind about certain things. lord save me. Shall go ask sarah to clear my doubts.

Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep I neeeed...getting lamer by the minute!



The long-awaited holz are finally here. Well... can't really seem to enjoy it though. Considering the fact that we're going back to sch from mon-fri. But if it's really gonna help us achieve what we want... perhaps it's worth it... I don't wanna regret not having these extra pracs later if we don't get what we want. Was actually reflecting on the entire term on my way home while I was lugging the entire bag of darned books... thinking about how much time was wasted, how many opportunities I let go of.

Looking through my term marks... sigh... pretty disappointed with myself? Yeah... really should buck up real soon... I'm actually afraid of lit now.. never thought I'd regret taking it. I still love it, but I don't do well in it at all. What a dilemma. I guess I've gotta start pinching myself to wake up and smell the coffee. I should have been awaken eons ago, considering how terribly brainy and studious everyone is...(everyone except for me that is)!

I hate having to reflect on the past... somehow I never seem to learn. Ah well... there's always room for imporvement, always hope for the future. I shall lose too much heart. One thing to lighten up about.. I'm finally heading to church!! Haha... with much persuasion(force?) from sarah lee and poke... perhaps I'll finally see the light then. Actually meant to go for the healing service, but I've decided to to deprive others of an opportunity... and it's a good time to catch up with old friends too yeah?

Next term's gonna be a lot better I hope. Haha... expect a new me ... one who's more focused I hope. Next term's obs and alpha camp too... I can do it!

And to all who're upset over results... don't fret yeah? We'll all pull through... haha... regardless of how lame this sounds.. we shall not give up. I feel like I'm trying to convince myself more than anyone else though.

Hope y'all have a great break!!



Been damn tired lately... forget it that the post went bonkers on me. I'm not typing all that again... Went for class com teambonding yesterday...ahahaz... can't believe I actually had some fun... it was pretty enlightening in certain ways. Ah well... I'm just glad that I'm not having to be monitress anymore... and embarress myself during chapel. Thank goodness.

Mrs.Tan showed us the breakaway video on friday... felt like watching it over and over again... weird since it wasn't the first time I've seen it. Show's just how much entertainment we're lacking. Sigh.

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I love
I'll take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And break away
I've never really noticed the lyrics before... yet another classic example of how everything's put before me but I'm always oblivious to it all.

Oh yeah... gonna post some pics of cute little pudgie...

I think he's the cutest thing ever...
love him to bits... ah well... getting tired of crapping anymore




-^jac - choir - pink - green - prissy - piglet - one voice - lollies - shopping queen - mars - freedom -

Crap your way through!

` Things to Do!

*Wits(oh man...)
*Get pudgie a bigger home!
*Give Dora her long-awaited treat

09.03 10.03 11.03 12.03 01.04 02.04 03.04 04.04 05.04 06.04 07.04 08.04 09.04 10.04 11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 01.06 03.06

John's Christian Music Codes

Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com