
The arts festival was a disappointment yesterday... it hit me like a tight slap, a real awakening. We held our heads too high, only to fall back down lower than we began with. Open your eyes wide, don'y be too blind to the real world. My embarressment largely outways your self-proclaimed glory.

I've been too tired lately... totally whacked outta my mind. I should really talk to someone to clear my thoughts... I feel like I'm totally crapping here... ehehez...

Got too much too do...



It's been eons since I've blogged. Too much has been happening... I'm too tired to blog about it all. Well, the topic of the day... decided to go on the china trip with much persuasion from my mum and sarah lee. I'm seriously convinced that I've been had, but I don't think there's much to do... the only thing that had me going was the fact that there'd me shopping!!! ahaha...nothing keeps me away from my shopping. ..been wanting to update some pics of my little pudgie... he's grown so big now...



We shoved the door open. Truly, ask and you shall receive...The gold... it's finally ours. The sore throats, the fatigue, the frustrations...all that hard work put in by everyone. It was pure elation yesterday when they announced the results... still hasn't quite hit me yet though. Woke up this morning pinching myself. Cried like a crazed woman, screamed till they thought we were suaku ...I really didn't care man. But we all have God to thank for this miracle, and of course mr.jusuf for being patient, teachers and our efforts. It's not all gone to waste! I'll totally miss repeating the "don-dangs" till they were perfect, gasping for air whenever I tried to hold my breath for lift thine eyes and always worrying about singing the wrong parts for badai. Nonetheless, it's a good beginning for choir, and we've all made it through in one piece. Well, it was a exhilarating experience, the nerves and suspense could've killed, but I've loved every moment of it. All the crap that happened on thurs, I couldn't allow it to affect our performance... shoved it out and ostracized it like the plague. I'm not gonna care about you anymore... stay that way if you must.

It's great that we've started off the syf well for the school... had been pretty worried when the 2 silver(now ex. silver) music groups had to go first... next is band... good luck pple!!! We'll all pray hard together.



Sigh. I've been getting more and more worried for choir. Really felt so guilty + embarressed today. We really should've worked harder yeah... One more week, just 7 days. I'm praying for a miracle. What with all the bio and physics tests... I need a break. Then again... that's just a week away too right?

Well... today's sports day was kinda uneventful for me? Just did duty, grabbing the first person for every race cuz I'm the self-proclaimed "blurest"... it's not entirely false. Then the time at SCH later on was just bleak. Not something I'd like to run through again.

I'm glad that my voice has finally returned to normal... really hope everything works out well now.


-^jac - choir - pink - green - prissy - piglet - one voice - lollies - shopping queen - mars - freedom -

Crap your way through!

` Things to Do!

*Wits(oh man...)
*Get pudgie a bigger home!
*Give Dora her long-awaited treat

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John's Christian Music Codes

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