
Yes. It does seem as though I've desappeared from the face of the earth, considering the fact that I've not logged into blogger for practically 2 months! It's hard to imagine how I just HAD to blog every single day during my sec 1 life, rambling on about every minor detail from what I had for recess to the barely-existent homework I had. Sigh. Sec 1... how I miss it.
But looking at the new batch of sec 1s joining us in choir, I've realised how much the sec 1s have changed over the "generations". It's amazing how they can shout/scream/babble on incessantly without giving a care about who's around them and what's going on around them. Sigh. It took great restrain from the rest to keep me from shaking her to her senses and getting her to be silent for at least 1 minute of the 2 hour session. She's lucky that she got the hint pretty quickly after I glared hard at her. Or the result would really have been bu kan she xiang =) --- (practising my oh-so-terrible chinese!)
Ah well I guess it's too soon to make any steady judgements...


-^jac - choir - pink - green - prissy - piglet - one voice - lollies - shopping queen - mars - freedom -

Crap your way through!

` Things to Do!

*Wits(oh man...)
*Get pudgie a bigger home!
*Give Dora her long-awaited treat

09.03 10.03 11.03 12.03 01.04 02.04 03.04 04.04 05.04 06.04 07.04 08.04 09.04 10.04 11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 01.06 03.06

John's Christian Music Codes

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