
Upon reading my last 5 entries, it's come to my notice that almost every single one of them begins with a "I've not been blogging for really long" or "I know I've neglected my blog". How ironic. But well, to start afresh, I've decided not to give two hoots about not having blogged consistently and just make up for all the lost time(or lost posts).
Life seems to have been playing games with me lately, making me go around in endless circles, only to feel completely worn-out and simply exhausted at the end of it all. In case that was too subtle a hint, I'd just shout it out to everyone that I DESPERATELY NEED A BREAK! Looking at the schedule for the o's today, I must say that the truth and reality of it all hit me. The fact that it's all gonna be happening pretty damn soon and that fact that I've let this term slip by my fingers into thin air. Yes, it's truly ironic that I'm typing all these as I have my eyes glued to the tube.

Show me Your ways, O Lord,
Teach me Your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for You are my Lord and Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long


-^jac - choir - pink - green - prissy - piglet - one voice - lollies - shopping queen - mars - freedom -

Crap your way through!

` Things to Do!

*Wits(oh man...)
*Get pudgie a bigger home!
*Give Dora her long-awaited treat

09.03 10.03 11.03 12.03 01.04 02.04 03.04 04.04 05.04 06.04 07.04 08.04 09.04 10.04 11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 01.06 03.06

John's Christian Music Codes

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